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Master Airscrew 3-blade props for the Avata


Active Member
Jan 20, 2023
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I would like to give a quick review on the 3-blade MAS props for the Avata. I had high hopes for these after seeing a Youtube video praising them.

I got the props and they bolted on nicely and looked great. They seemed to do well simply flying around in N or S mode. However, in manual mode, they didn't perform so well. When trying to do some aerial aerial maneuvers they just plain suck. The real let down was when trying do a 360 flip at a higher speed, it had a very difficult time and often kicked it out of manual mode.

I cannot speak to the 4-blade MAS Avata props. If anyone here has experience with these, I would like to hear.


I have the 3 and 4 blade. With either of them it is more solid tracking than the OE. I can’t help much after that since I am more into cruising than Accor flying but it sure is easier to get at the SD card with either Of the MA.

Funny part of this is when I was flying RC Planes, MA was the cheapest and most flimsy piece of junk on the mark. I like them on the FPV and Avata. Not really impressed with them on the Mini 2.
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I would like to give a quick review on the 3-blade MAS props for the Avata. I had high hopes for these after seeing a Youtube video praising them.

I got the props and they bolted on nicely and looked great. They seemed to do well simply flying around in N or S mode. However, in manual mode, they didn't perform so well. When trying to do some aerial aerial maneuvers they just plain suck. The real let down was when trying do a 360 flip at a higher speed, it had a very difficult time and often kicked it out of manual mode.

I cannot speak to the 4-blade MAS Avata props. If anyone here has experience with these, I would like to hear.


Thanks for the update
I use the headset SD card. Still like the standard props. DJI uses four for a reason! Don’t know why though. Good enough for my 400 hours of Avanta flight time
Holy kermoley and saints alive. I know Texans like bragging, but at 6 x 10 min flights per hour, 400 hours means you've flown 2400 times. The Avata has only been out for 6 months, so that's 400 flights a month, or about 13 a day, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Dude, either massive props (not MA) or u need maths lessons!!????
I've been flying both the 3 and the 4 blade MAS props since they were released. I don't like the 3 blade. Seemed to lag with those on. The 4 blade seems faster in manual mode than the OEM. I really like the ease of access to the micro SD card with either of these sets though.
This review convinced me to get a set of the 3-blade and give them a try:

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600 miles with two Avatas. My second set. First two replaced for minor damage. I have twelve batteries
500 minutes flown
We have found the problem: You were asleep during math class 😆

In one post you say total flight time is 400 hours. Your next post says 500 minutes.

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Why I'll never buy anything from Master Airscrew. They offered me the cost of the repairs in credit to buy more props from them.

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Bought my first drone in (Phantom 1) back in May of 2013, and put MAS props on it shortly after buying it. I've been using Windsor Props on RC planes long before they changed their name to Master Airscrew. I own a dozen drones and I think they are all equipped with MAS props. I've broken more props with the Avata than any other drone! I've gone through all the spare OEM props and a few sets of MAS props. I still think the hub on the MAS props is thicker than the OEM props, which explains the many incidents of the OEM props "exploding" during flight. And with the MAS props it is far easier to get my fingers in there to remove the micro SD card...lol.
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Why I'll never buy anything from Master Airscrew. They offered me the cost of the repairs in credit to buy more props from them.

How is that vid proof of MAS failure? Oddly enough, I've never had an issue in the decades I've been using them.
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I don't trust anyone who calls a propeller an airscrew!??
In aeronautics, an aircraft propeller, also called an airscrew, converts rotary motion from an engine or other power source into a swirling slipstream which pushes the propeller forwards or backwards. Wikipedia
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I have the 4blade set and I like them. They are alot less noisy than stock . But they don't give you any more performance or better battery life. But the red looks good.
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