I already follow Josua Bardwell and yeas I totally agree with you about MirkFPV !
What do you think about this tutorial?
By the way from now on I should always buy anything with the receiver FCC version right?
the tutorial's okay, but doesn't apply completely to your Mobula7, as his has the built in SPI receiver and yours (and mine) have an XM+ receiver.
Essentially, you need to set up a model on the Taranis (you've already done this), then;
press the -menu- button (3 horizontal lines),
choose your model (push in the selection dial)
then set up some channels on:
"INPUTS" [page 4/12]
"MIXES" [page 5/12]
Mobula7 is set up as
Thr CH2:
Ail CH3:
Ele CH4:
Rud CH5:Arm CH6:Mode (you can add the other switches later)
the above is just for your reference, so do check out some tutorials.
Then Betaflight is a whole other topic, but you're basically making sure that the Mobula is connected to the Taranis, (and your Mac via USB) and telling the Mob7 what each Switch/Gimbal does (represented by the CHannels that you just set up on the radio).
also, the Taranis (and many radios) use RC Plane teminology, rather than
Quadcopter terms so;
Throttle =
Throttle left stick up/down /y axis
Aileron =
Roll right stick
left/right /x-axis
Elevator =
Pitch right stick up/down /y-axis
Rudder =
Yaw left stick left/right /x-axis
Betaflight uses Quadcopter, and Taranis uses RC Plane nomenclature - just to confuse things!
This Video explains the Channels simply. The example in the video has 4 Channels of control, Your Taranis has 16 Channels - but just start with:
Thr CH2:
Ail CH3:
Ele CH4:
Rud CH5:Arm CH6:Mode
It may seem basic, but I think when you understand what you're trying to achieve it makes things make more sense in the long run.
and yes, you're in the FCC club now/