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Need help - Floureon 250 FPV racer motor not working

One interesting fact I found out, is that when I updated FC firmware to version 2.0.5 or higher, CleanFlight will not connect. It will let me flash firmware on the NAZE 32 up or down levels only. Otherwise, the drone will not communicate with the radio. The highest level that allows the radio to work with the drone is the version I have it to now, which is 1.14.2.
Correction, CleanFlight will only connect with the NAZE 32 firmware at 2.0.5 or higher, but will not allow radio to work with drone unless it is at 1.14.2 or lower.
Connecting again with BLHeli, only sees #1,#2,#4 ESCs (#3 not showing data at all). Firmware level on ESCs at revision 13.2.
Ok, I’m out flying in a 20 mile per hour wind, and that’s one way to practice but I ain’t wasting the sunshine. When I get home later if Green hasn’t chimed in I will do some
research and get back to you. I know one thing, once we know a little more, we can diagnose it. Do not in the meantime do anything with props on until it’s acting correct!!!
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From all my fiddling & experimenting, it seems that everything is pointing to a bad FC board. I have one coming in soon from eBay. I'll change it out as soon as I get it. Meanwhile, yes, props stay off. Also, I have an Eachine 250 racer (the original version of this Floureon 250) coming from eBay.
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You sound like a good troubleshooter, so I hear you saying...

ESC #3 is where your problem always lies, move motor and ESC pair to another location and they both work (any kind of spin is working), and whatever you put on #3 ESC position it no worky?
the FC tells the ESC when to go, stop, and how much through the signal wire connection, other than that all it needs is good voltage and current from whatever Power Distribution Board (PDB). I would reflow all the possible joints dealing with FC and PDB side, and if that dont fix it the it is the FC or we're gonna learn something new.

So what is your PDB look like (cold solder joint possibly?)
would you have access to a O'scope to see if there is any thing to be seen diff between good esc signal and bad?

Just a few thoughts

Also, what is on that bird is pretty old rev ESC wise, I'm guessing replacing 1 esc wont do and you will need to make all 4 the same rev of hardware. THe new esc is too new a FW rev to be "happy" in that FC/existing esc world I bet.
You sound like a good troubleshooter, so I hear you saying...

ESC #3 is where your problem always lies, move motor and ESC pair to another location and they both work (any kind of spin is working), and whatever you put on #3 ESC position it no worky?
the FC tells the ESC when to go, stop, and how much through the signal wire connection, other than that all it needs is good voltage and current from whatever Power Distribution Board (PDB). I would reflow all the possible joints dealing with FC and PDB side, and if that dont fix it the it is the FC or we're gonna learn something new.

So what is your PDB look like (cold solder joint possibly?)
would you have access to a O'scope to see if there is any thing to be seen diff between good esc signal and bad?

Just a few thoughts

PDB looks in good condition. I think the FC might have burnt out when I was practicing my hovering and did a small flip over on the grass. I tried to disarm the motors as soon as I saw that. Then when I flipped upright and re-armed the motors, #3 would not turn on from there. I don't have an O-scope but would help more if I had one. Yeah, #2 motor didn't turn on when I swapped it too #3 position.
Also, what is on that bird is pretty old rev ESC wise, I'm guessing replacing 1 esc wont do and you will need to make all 4 the same rev of hardware. THe new esc is too new a FW rev to be "happy" in that FC/existing esc world I bet.
I figured if I updated the radio's firmware, then I can update the FC to version 2.0.5 or later. But I'm able to adjust it using BLHeli as it is. Seems like that has good enough diagnostics that I need there to tune & calibrate the ESCs & stuff.
You will need to do both in the long run, once your RC and FC are updated, maybe you can get the esc firmware levelled up and then you will need CF or BF to finish configuring your flight config and testing things out. You won't do esc stuff that often and once this is done it may work...

Let us know what you find.

OK, final update to this long thread! I finally received my new FC in the mail (NAZE32 rev 6 6DOF type) from an eBay seller in China. It is an identical swap. Soldered all wiring and the main connector to the PDB & the one for the connector to receiver. I then flashed firmware to the FC board. Then I calibrated the ESCs with BLheli. Turned the drone on and all works again!!! So my conclusion ended up being correct, it was a faulty FC. Kinda wasted some money purchasing extra ESCs, but at least I have spares. I may use them in upcoming scratch build projects. But all in all, SHE LIVES AGAIN!!! Thank you folks for all your inputs and advices! HAPPY FLYING!!!!!

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