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Need help from Avata pilots who have an AirData account

Jeff A

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2021
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Yesterday I flew my Avata and my Mavic 2 Pro. When I got home, I could look at my flight information on the AirData Web site right away, even though I flew with Litchi software. I have come to expect this because that's the way it has been with any Drone that I have owned, until the Avata. Now it takes around 24 hours before my flights show up. Before I contact AirData, have any other AirData users experienced this problem? It should not make a difference, but I do have a Pro account with AirData.
Don't know your process, but since with the Avata you normally don't fly using any kind of mobile device nothing can get to there on its own. Any logs will only be transferred after you connected the phone to the goggles, got logs transferred and then synced them with DJI servers.
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Don't know your process, but since with the Avata you normally don't fly using any kind of mobile device nothing can get to there on its own. Any logs will only be transferred after you connected the phone to the goggles, got logs transferred and then synced them with DJI servers.
Well, I do fly with my iPad Mini 4 connected, just as I do with my Mavic 2. There must be something different but I don't know what it is. When I return, I do hook up everything just like the way I fly it, but it does not change anything. I give it time while I'm waiting and I make sure my iPad is connected to the Net. Now I have heard (here) that the Flight Log files are stored on the (Avata itself, ERROR) Goggles but where can I see this info in writing? And when I get a real Remote controller, where are they then stored?
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Logs are stored on the goggles, not the aircraft. Maybe try going to the Profile section where you can see the logs and manually syncing.
Logs are stored on the goggles, not the aircraft. Maybe try going to the Profile section where you can see the logs and manually syncing.
I've been there. There does not seem to be much info there. I see Total Hours, Distance and flights but no parameters. As I look at the data as I type this it says I have 9.23 hours and 75 flights. With what drone or drones and what time frame? I have a lot more than that. When I hit "More>" it shows 4 lines which are only my Avata flights and they don't total 9.23 hours. Nothing makes much sense here.
If you go to Profile then "More" at the bottom left you'll get a list of flights where you can filter by aircraft and sync, unless you've always synced on all devices you used with the different drones including this one you'll only have flights you did with that one device being connected.
Total hours would be anything from any aircraft on your account.

Can't help much more since I explicitly never allow any logs to leave my devices.
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I appreciate your reply but if you read my last post, I've already been to the "More" area and there are only 4 lines there. Yesterday I flew 2 flights with the Avata and one with the Mavic 2. The four lines do not include the Mavic flight, even though it appeared easily in my AirData account as soon as I got home. The Avata flights showed up on AirData today. I guess I'll contact AirData. Thanks for your help.
Well, I do fly with my iPad Mini 4 connected, just as I do with my Mavis 2. There must be something different but I don't know what it is. When I return, I do hook up everything just like the way I fly it, but it does not change anything. I give it time while I'm waiting and I make sure my iPad is connected to the Net. Now I have heard (here) that the Flight Log files are stored on the Avata itself but where can I see this info in writing? And when I get a real Remote controller, where are they then stored?
To be clear: When you fly your Avata you connect the goggles to your iPhone with a USB C to C cable, with both that cable and the power cord hanging from your goggles while you fly?
All true except I don't own an iPhone. I'm using an iPad Mini 4. My last flight took 2 days to process. I have a message sent to AirData.
All true except I don't own an iPhone. I'm using an iPad Mini 4. My last flight took 2 days to process. I have a message sent to AirData.
Runs on Android too. That's where I run it (sim) – on a Galaxy ZFold 2, open like a tablet. Runs great.

Are you entirely without any smartphone?

Still not clear on your setup when flying FPV... do you have the iPad connected to the goggles when flying FPV?
Runs on Android too. That's where I run it (sim) – on a Galaxy ZFold 2, open like a tablet. Runs great.

Are you entirely without any smartphone?

Still not clear on your setup when flying FPV... do you have the iPad connected to the goggles when flying FPV?
Yes, the iPad is connected. And yes, it's a PITA. I use a Galaxy S9. The simulator I tried said I needed an S10 or better. I suppose I should try in anyway.
Yes, the iPad is connected. And yes, it's a PITA. I use a Galaxy S9. The simulator I tried said I needed an S10 or better. I suppose I should try in anyway.
There is no reason to connect your iPad when flying the Avata (or FPV), unless you have a friend that wants to watch.

As for the simulator, does it tell you that when you try to run it? the Fold 2 isn't supported, and has odd screen dimensions when folded or unfolded, but runs fine on the bigger inside screen.
Logs are stored on the goggles, not the aircraft. Maybe try going to the Profile section where you can see the logs and manually syncing.
Please see my correction above.
Don't know your process, but since with the Avata you normally don't fly using any kind of mobile device nothing can get to there on its own. Any logs will only be transferred after you connected the phone to the goggles, got logs transferred and then synced them with DJI servers.
That's the way it works with the FPV as well.
I started this thread so maybe I can end it because there is so much mis-understanding. The thread title was "Need help from Avata pilots who have an AirData account. I may be wrong but I'm not sure if any of the responders have an AirData account and some do not even have an Avata. To summarize the "fix", I solved the problem by changing my device (I was able to use my Samsung phone even thought it was not on the lists of approved devices) and installing the AirData UAV mobile app and could force the AirData servers to sync with the DJI server sooner than it would have been scheduled. Everything seems to be working fine now and I can fly, and then come home and analyze my flight data on AirData. Life is good. Thanks to those that responded.

Tom gave you some very sound information over at AirData. That is assuming you are the same "Jeff."
Tom gave you some very sound information over at AirData. That is assuming you are the same "Jeff."
And Tom is?? What part of AirData? I'll check it out.
Yes, I had read this advice. I had not used AirData's web app so I installed and used the Direct Sync instructions. I do this to speed things up because I have gotten into the habit of evaluating the flight data right after the flight. That way, I can see how my batteries are doing. Also, I can use the data to make sure I'm using my batteries equally. I also use AirData's maintenance recommendations and records recording to use it as a do list for maintenance. Thanks for the heads up anyway.
Gotcha! I too learned something from that post. The Avata it's the first aircraft to be finicky with timely updates. Silver that! I've had a subscription for a little over three years and it has been invaluable, especially the maintenance records. I'll be hitting 3000 flights with them probably this weekend and I'm not looking forward to older flights being archived. I'll figure it all out when I get there.

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