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Taranis Q x7 and Emax Hawk 5 setup help

Sr CoDeMaN

Dec 20, 2018
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I have exhausted my brain on this one. Digging around the internet for 2 weeks, trying everything i can think. I have them bound but i can not get anything going. I'm new to the hobby, and a couple of Rise House Racers and i wanted to step up...

After 2 weeks of having this thing i can not figure out how to get it in the air and i am at a loss. the Hawk 5 was a B&F with an Frsky XM 16CH SBUS Micro receiver and the qx7 firmware is FCC (not sure if im including enough info or not)

Neither the quad or the transmitter came with any directions to speak of. I have watched about 40 youtube videos and dug through countless threads and im feeling dumber than when i started. Any help would be most appreciated.
well, moving the sticks on the transmitter make the quad beep, but that's about it. as far as Betaflight that's been another headache. Im starting to think im not smart enough for all of this. I installed all the drivers on my computer i cant get the computer to connect.
I've got the same set up as yourself and the binding process is pretty straightforward, if you definitely have a green solid green light on your receiver then that's a start. As for Betaflight, i downloaded the drivers and couldn't get the quad to connect until I realised that I hadn't opened up the files after downloading. After doing so, and a couple of YouTube visits, it worked fine. Don't give up, the hawk 5 is a screamer....
I installed all the drivers on my computer i cant get the computer to connect.
So that's it there. It won't fly until you do a few little things in betaflight (like set up an arm switch to turn the quad on)

I think the drivers you need are on the front page of betaflight, give it another try and let us know
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am i missing something on beta flight? I've installed, uninstalled and reinstalled several times, but my windows 10 is not recognizing my flight controller. It powers up the FC, but its not seeing it as a device. I'm not being lazy asking here, but like I said... I have been to the end of the internet and back over the course of the passed 2 weeks and all I got thus far is an ugly paperweight.
Did you install these drivers:
yup, unzipped and installed all 3. & uninstalled and reinstalled twice thinking i missed something.

Aha! You'll want that manual selection to be on auto selection (not the auto connect button, that's fine)
Just select anything from the list that isn't manual, and BF should recognize it when you plug it in

I'm on a mac, but you can also take a look at this (2 minutes):
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K, i dont have the STM 32 virtual com port. i did install it and it says the driver is up to date =/

i just gave my quad to a co-worker, he's done with all the installation process (i didn't help him to make sure he was not repeating my mistakes.
so this must be the problem...

thats what it shows in the vid you sent.

thats what i have on my screen.

My co worker is having the same issue. The STM 32 is not showing up. We both installed correctly.
well... i figured out what the problem was... The USB i had was for a charger, so it didn't have all the needed pins. i cant believe that turned out to be 25 hours to figure out. Borrowed a friends USB and it hooked right up.

now to figure out how to set up my Taranis to fly quad mode. I had no idea this was going to be so involved.

Data cable VS charging cable.
It seems like a lot at first, but it'll sort out quick. You're almost there! That Hawk 5 is a ripper. Let us know how it turns out
Nice work! I've just set up my new Furibee x140 with my Taranis QX7S and was going to post a tutorial from Project Blue Falcon or JB and you beat me to it. Merry Xmas to me and everyone else on the forum!
If you follow rtkDarling's video, you can't go wrong. Once you've set up your Hawk 5 on the Taranis, assigned all the switches, when you go into Betaflight, it's a piece of cake. A bit of mucking around until the penny drops, but worth it.
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Got my Taranis Q X7 set up with Open TX 2.2.2 & SD card (took all day). I got BetaFlight working now that i have the proper cable. Now all i need to do is figure out how to properly set all the switches and controls and i will be all set.
40 hours into data cable VS charging cable ... after that about 20 mins to figure out how to set the arm switch and i was up and flying.

So here it is. 2 mins of flying and 10 props later its hurry up and wait for amazon to bring me more props...

Flys fairly decent but decides to flip upside down and smash into the asphalt. User error? yea, probably lol.


I have so many packs through that little guy that i have had to replace several motors... this is not at all the same animal. I didn't realize how much more difficult this thing would be. I even bought 10 1400 4s bats so i'd be ready. I destroyed 10 props, and i got the first battery from 4.2 per cell down to 3.87.

any advice for someone about not destroying their first racing quad in minutes?

slightly discouraged but still very excited. Thanks for all the help guys!
Welcome to the club! Flying and crashing/rebuilding are all part of the experience and you will get better at the flying bit and spend less time in the shed with the tools. Nice wide open areas and practice figure 8s and the like and you'll be fine. You could try using a simulator as well to get some indoor practice before each outdoor session, I use Liftoff which is fairly good. Hang in there, your addiction has only just begun!

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