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Zero Cool acro flying (and advice needed)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2017
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Ok so last video (hopefully) using the camera DVR. I got a run cam 2 coming tomorrow that I plan on mounting on two of my quads when flying (the 250 Racer and Zero Cool). So will have nice HD video if things go well.

Today was nice weather outside (around 45) and snow is almost all gone. So decided to do a flight after my physical therapy session. I wanted to test the power range of the quad since it has a 30a ESC and 2204 motors on it. I'm still using 3 cell battery, but considering going 4 cell soon with it. I'm going to upgrade the motors to 2205 this week sometime. Using 4045 Bull Nose props on her now. Thinking maybe of going to tri-blade to try to get more lifts for acrobatic stuff...advice?

So started out in horizon flying and went acro about half way through. Proud of myself for now crashing her and had a great flight. Nose was a little higher then last time...will move it up higher next flight.

Once I get more used to her I'll try lower level flying and going between trees and stuff.
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Looking good, Spider! I'm using tri-blades on everything now. I'm not sure that they make the bird more acrobatic but they seem to smooth things out a bit. I don't think you need to hurry into the 4S especially if you already have some 3S's. I'm just now starting to fly with a few 4S's and you definately do feel more power but it makes for more brutal crashes as well.

I wrote in a previous thread that I thought I made a mistake getting 3S's but I'm having second thoughts about that now. I think the 3S's have been great for trying to learn.

Good job, Man.

When I first flew by buddies quad he had 4 cell in there and I was able to do lots of cool things. I was able to get two to three flips and rolls without crashing. With 3 cell on my quad after one flip I have to recover more so need to be a little more careful. So it'll just take some time to get used to 3 cell. I do have two 4 cell batteries from the Arris 250 that is no longer with us. So when I'm ready (and when she has the 2205 motor in there that can handle 4 cell) I might graduate to a 4 cell with the 180 quad. The Racer 250 stock seems to fry itself with a 4 cell, so will stay away from that. My 210 quad I'm building only has 15a esc's right now, so I'll stick with 3 cell on that one as well.

I did order some tri-blade 4045 for the 180 quad (Zero Cool). So we'll see how see likes them when they get here. Tomorrow should be an easy motor swap day with Zero Cool getting the 2205 and Crash Override (the 210 quad) getting the 2204 motors. If all goes well, I'll have Crash Override done this weekend as well.
Nice flying, how many times did you fly before you went full acro?
I'm having a hard time with FPV, I keep bouncing off the ground and yesterday I panicked and landed it in my pool. Second time flying my Youbi 130 and I land it in the **** pool!

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