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Banggood to Bang-don't

Have not been back to Amherst since I graduated and wish I could go back and fly around with my Quad and record everything from a birds eye view. that would be really cool.
I decided to buy a drone from Banggood in China and found that when it showed up, it was missing the receiver in the drone and failed to provide any information on how to get a receiver for the Wizard 220. Failed to provide any data on software or firmware or where to download any of the firmware. The worse part was that when I complained on their website I was automatically banned from posting any kind of rebuttal and when even atter contacting their customer service, which is next to impossible, still got no help. Blow this company off if you can. They have good deals but can rip you off and will rip you off if given the chance, THUMBS DOWN TO THE BANGGOOD.COM STORE AND WEBSITE for being customer UN-friendly.


About 18 months ago when I first became addicted to ...quadcopters/drones or whatever name is currently vogue - I had a similar experience with EverBuying and a Syma X8W - BUT I did get a partial refund ( I later sold teh Syma to guy wanting spares - so in effect recovered all my cash)
OK, so is bit missing - I and you have a down on BG.
I currently have a record of 47 orders with BangGood. My very first was for 4 ESC... they never arrived and after waiting - I got a full refund to PayPal as opposed to "store credit" by whatever name the particular store used calls hanging on to your cash and forcing you to spend it again with them. A few months back I ordered a Revolution to run GPS... the case was bad and needed filing to allow the ESC /motor connection fit in on Motor 1. Pigged off I hit the computer and told them... they replied that they had no replacement cases - but how about a refund of $au$10 so I can find in another store.
However, within an hour... I found the Revo board was not right and again sent in a service request for a return and refund. They replied that they would resend my order and I need not return the Revo. In due course a replacement arrived and it works OK.
I find the any request to serve will take at least 48 hours - but you need to work on Chinese time to get that!

When you replies contacted then - and dont get excited - did you reply in a "polite" way or blast them with hot steal from 3 yards? They do tend to dislike that and I find doing emails replies in a polite and fair way a good policy - we are after all dealing with people who may not have a command of any of the many languages they deal with and use a translator - whether its Google or one of the many gizmo's now available.
It sounds like instead of dealing with service you went on THEIR forum and vented your disappointment. IMHO - the time for that is when all avenues are traveled and no result.

Buying stuff from any store in China or the huge amount of Chinese run stores on eBay et al - can always be a problem. The snag is.. the "west" has customer protection laws etc,. Copyright law protects manufacturers... but not so in China. The SYMA X8W II purchased is a cheap copy of the DJI Phantom. Copies/clones are rife and few bother about sending manuals or instructions and those that do get a the nearest 3 year old to to draw them up.

I suggest you write back and ask them to resend the missing parts OR you will apply to PayPal/Bank?credit Card or whatever method you used to pay them - for a full refund.
I have made numerous purchases from Banggood in the past. Hopefully I'll never have to use their customer service.

I don't work for or get anything from BG - but you say - I have made numerous purchases from Banggood in the past - this suggests that what you purchased was OK - or why return repeatedly to make more purchases.? So what pigged you off with teh one that sent you elsewhere?

Customer service is always slow - no matter what names you see on the reply email...my guess is that there are two "operatives" at best. Response being slow needs to take into consideration that they deal world wide and obviously different timezone.... going with the spin of the planet - the further west you are from China - you need to take into account that your service request can be sat for at least 12 hours before being seen.
Customer service is always slow - no matter what names you see on the reply email...my guess is that there are two "operatives" at best. Response being slow needs to take into consideration that they deal world wide and obviously different timezone.... going with the spin of the planet - the further west you are from China - you need to take into account that your service request can be sat for at least 12 hours before being seen.[/QUOTE]

Because I was having a hard time with getting the parts to make the original Wizard 220 operational and BG did not sell the parts I needed, I went ahead and bought a complete Wizard RTF from them, thinking that I would make the original Wizard a parts mule. We all know that crashes are part of the game, so might as well go that route and maybe save some money down the road when it came to replacement parts and shipping costs. Unfortunately, the Wizard 220 RTF I bought was not in stock and that was not visible to me when I bought it, but found out only after paying for the drone and get an email about the drone being late. So I cancelled the order and after three days and no response from BG, I just turned it over to PayPal and even then, took a week to get my money back.

Having some real history with the 180, I went ahead and bought one. I watched as a guy named Ali was developing the 180 racer. This was at least a year and half ago. I really liked how he got the two motor bars to move back and forth. So this drone I had watched for quite some time. If I remember correctly, Ali only sold a few of the 180 racers. Then a couple of months ago, I see his Quad show up for sale and even more surprized that BG was selling it. Long story short, went ahead and bought the 180 RTF. I tend to believe what I was told by Ali. That someone with Eachine got their hands on one of his models he had sold. In turn, they reverse engineered the 180 and began selling Ali's drone. Eachine ripped Ali off and the Chinese government did nothing. Any business operating in China is automatically in partnership with the Chinese government and so why should they help Ali? China does not have copyright laws for stuff built in China I believe but not 100% sure of. (I lived and worked in Dongguan China back in the mid 90's before the hand over from Britain) You should never make any kind of comparisons between the culture you are from and experienced with and another culture somewhere else in the world. The Chinese work on a whole different set of cultural rules and business laws than we do in America. This is why I limit my purchases to companies who use PayPal, I know I can get my money back, might take time, but in the end, if your right, the money will return to you.

The 180 Racer RTF has shown up and I am happy with it. I found another store and was able to buy a controller and receiver for my attempt at getting the original 220 flying. Just waiting for the parts to show up is all.

Yes, I raised alot of HELL when it came to the Wizard 220 because I felt I was ripped off. As long as people are letting Chinese companies, even the ones doing business in Hong Kong, give them bad service, rip them off, send them returned items of all types and kinds then they deserve what ever happens to them in the end. BG told you to keep some part and they sent you another one. Remember that the Chinese are extremely good when it comes to ripping off electronics (reverse engineer). BG knew in advance that the Board they sent you was probably a knock off and might have cost the Chinese company 50 cents to a buck to make.

I will not cut any company in China any slack, just because they are in China? China is just now getting into their Industrial Revolution and are playing catch up to almost every other nation in the world. We went through this same thing after the Civil War, we went from an Agrarian based culture to an Industry based culture. Once a week, after I got off work, I would go to a local community college of sorts and teach the students Conversational English and thoroughly enjoyed it. These kids asked all kiinds of questions, mainly about kids their own ages. How do you explain "Parking" to them, yeah the back seat thing. It did have it's moments in class.
I may come out of this seeming a b it unsympathetic.....But..... from your reply to my post - it seems you know far more about China, its culture, its no rules barred way of doing business, no copyright laws, no consumer laws or retail sales buyer protection.
So I feel you should have been aware of the pitfalls and read the details of what was written on the item description.
From my point of view - if it was not RTF and included a radio - why would anybody expect a receiver to be included? reverse that logic and if they sent a Walkera RX and you used a FlySky.... its going to be useless. Again... with your history with the Chinese - I would have thought you were savvy enough to check everything twice before making an order.
We all know that the English description etc are all translated either by a hand held gizmo or Google translate and despite all the claims there is never a clear translation of anything English into Chinese and make sense. English has one word with about 10 different meanings.

You will have seen my entry into quad buying using EverBuying - what a lot do not know is that they and GearBest are basically one and the same...with TinyDeals ( I thinks ..its tiny something anyway!") I am a retired web designer and checked their hostings.... all registered to the same company. Not only that in my battle to get a PayPal refund...and failed... EB support sent a reply - but the guy dealing with my claim - slipped up and replied using a GearBest "signature".
A lot of the stores use GoDaddy and it allows them to hide registration information. Also.. its my believe that these "stores" are no more than a well organised DropShipping set up. The hold no stock of anything.
Shenzen is a beehive of makers and stockists of RC stuff and I reckon my order is emailed to their dropshipper source and sent out by them and or an order can be emailed and delivered within a day to BG who ship it out.
I get deliveries via Seychelles post - which to my uncertain knowledge is a small group of island on the East coast of Africa!

BUT...getting back to real life... as I wrote - 48 orders now - two claims by me for refunds... back to PayPal withing 4 days. On 21st October, I ordered a single cheapo 30A ESC to test it - long after it was due I advised none arrival - I was offered a refund or or a resend of the item - which I choose. On Wednesday this week -the original order arrived! Again it was via Seychelles post - so I am guessing their source is in Europe. So OK I got a free gift...nah they treat me OK so I emailed them and told them it had arrived and how do I repay them for it - which I have done.AU$5.74.
I recently purchased a Tarot 650 Ironman carbon fiber frame... it arrived in a scruffy brown box, all items loose and rolling about and no Tarot decal.
Everything else had Tarot on - I complained they sole me a clone... they offered $30... I asked for more and got it! And with it I have ordered off a Tarot seller, the Tarot electric retractable landing skids. I think it was NOT the original Tarot fixed landing skids that I got in the box
So I have no complaints - as yet and after some 14 months of dealing with them.

You mentioned Ali ( AliAshimo?) being riipped off and the Chinese Govenment did nothing - to which I have ask - which government of any country would be tasked to sort out a commercial issue? Again - I know the UK ( am an ex-pat in Aussie) and Aussie have protection laws and confiscate container loads of fake goods... China does nothing to stop it - but I am guessing that who ever made the copies in China - paid taxes arising from its sale - the factory workers got paid for making it and the factory owner got paid by the real criminal who was about to rip everybody off and make big profits.
So why should China stop it!

These online mainland China stores and no different than eBay sellers and one needs to check the description on more than one source and compare.
The sellers KNOW we will invoke either eBay or PayPal protection if its not correct as described.... BUT its up to the BUYER to check what is described is what is wanted and correct.
You wrote BG changed the description after you complained... with respect sir, I do not want to suggest you may have been mistaken - but even if they had... how can you prove it? Go back to my comment about a receiver....you say you have already built a multi rotor - so you know unlike the DJI stuff ( I have a Phantom 3 Pro) our builds require a RX to be compatible with our TX and they come as separate items not built in the main board.

Banned from their forum.... what did you expect!" your argument is with the sales department - banging on a drum and shouting I wuz robbed - was never going to help your claim... best to deal with the claim and only if it falls - then hit a forum about it as you have here.

I think BG are actually building a reputation as one of the best online suppliers - but you can do a Google on CNDirect, LightTake and few other who are also coming up as main liners...

More important than anything else in this thread, in my opinion, thank you for your service!

Semper Fidelis,


More important than anything else in this thread, in my opinion, thank you for your service!

Semper Fidelis,


Thanks for the kind words Jerry. It took me years to feel good about Vietnam, they call it PTSD, back when, it was not even known what it was.
Quadcopter 102,

Decided not to put any claim in with BG on the Wizard. Will probably get another Wizard 220 but RTF. In no hurry though, besides, have a 180 Racer to play with.
Have enjoyed reading your posts and such. Nothing like a good intellectual discussion to get the old blood moving. Hope you have a great Christmas in Australia.
Quadcopter 102,

Decided not to put any claim in with BG on the Wizard. Will probably get another Wizard 220 but RTF. In no hurry though, besides, have a 180 Racer to play with.
Have enjoyed reading your posts and such. Nothing like a good intellectual discussion to get the old blood moving. Hope you have a great Christmas in Australia.

Since you have a radio now, you just need a compatible receiver to put in the Wizard. Don't get another RTF unless you want to fly with a friend...
Quadcopter 102,

Decided not to put any claim in with BG on the Wizard. Will probably get another Wizard 220 but RTF. In no hurry though, besides, have a 180 Racer to play with.
Have enjoyed reading your posts and such. Nothing like a good intellectual discussion to get the old blood moving. Hope you have a great Christmas in Australia.
My pleasure sir, I did forget to ask one question about the BG purchase - apart from an RX - which you can buy to suit your TX - is what you got working OK? Ignore the what and why's, if BG sent an ARF- ie, without RX, battery, TX, logically you already have a TX and can soon get an extra RX and battery if needed- which should give you a fully functional quad to fly as you choose... is that the currect situation. IF what BG sent, with the additions as listed - does NOT work OK, then on that aspect you have a claim IMHO.

Enjoy your flying......
Right now the drone is on my workbench with the top off. I am not really sure on how to install a receiver based upon what I am looking at. Believe me, I can solder with the best of them and did so in my 250 Strider Racer I built last year from scratch, I made some improvements to the racer with ESC's and Motors available at the time. Had to use Open Pilot which was the predominate if only program available at the time. It flies, maybe not as good or as steady as it should but it does fly. Give me a set of directions and I am off to the races big time. This was the problem with the Wizard I bought, it had nothing to support the purchase. Don't get me wrong, I am not asking for anything FREE, if I have to pay for the Receiver, then give me a price for it and a matching controller. No problem when it comes to money, this is about HONOR and doing the right thing.

Just doing a check on the thread - I had missed this bit about fitting the RX... basically you shove ot - normally at the back - but it makes no real difference because the racer will be twisting and turning most of the time its in the air. To protect when you crash - either get under the top plate or in a protective case - which many avoid due to adding weight. The flight controller should have the wires to connect to an RX - its a matter of knowing which plugs are Motor 1,2,3,4 and the aux channels which you will need to set up on the radio...If you already have a radio - simply get another RX of the same manufacture - if you DO NOT have a radio, my advice id to check a lot and get the best you can afford. The Taranis is the choice most of the top flyers.
I myself wasted some cash - have a cheapo Turnigy 5 chanl which is basic and now redundant and a waste of $50. I have a Walkera Devo 10 ( at the time was too complicated for my feeble brain and a Turnigy i10 - which is more visual with teh settings and does everything I want it to.

For any and all matters relating to our addiction - its not an hobby or a pastime - it really is an addiction - visit the free University of all matters multi - rotor = youTube. Build advise and demonstration, technical stuff covering the whole gamut of quads and ancillary equipment

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