I have only two MCs so my experience is not as much as yours, but I hated the foam in the recent MA2/Goggles case. The MC case I had for my Mavic Pro is still fantastic after years of (ab)use. I can tell you that the plastic in that isn’t as bend-y as well, and feels more substantial, more confidence inspiring than the MA2 case. I guess I am just raw at how drastic the difference is in quality over purchases made just two years apart.
Also, their clips/clasps are noticeably worse in my MA2/Goggles case. In fact out of PGYTECH, Nanuk and MC cases I have owned and tried, MC has the loosest clips on their case.
Entirely possible that since mine was a somewhat custom unit (how many people would order a MA2 with Smart Controller and officially incompatible goggles?) that they cut some corners to keep the price reasonable. I don’t know, and I can’t say. I can just give comparison that I can personally attest to; if one is paying for shipping from Germany and paying the “imported case premium” than might as well go with Nanuk or some other manufacturer. However I am just one data point. Again, keep in mind that we aren’t exactly planning to survive through apocalypse with these cases, and every one of them is extremely capable in their own way.