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CheFPV's The Week In Flow Series

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Chef, Virtue and anyone else interested in this thread,

I'm going to ask the mods to delete this thread. IMHO, it's not what we're about. I think we all got off on the wrong foot, myself included. I apologize for my part in all of it. I can't ever be too big a man to do that. Chef has shown his willingness to provide useful content that we all want and need. He definitely has experience well beyond my scope and I certainly could learn a lot from him. Chef, if the mod's take this down you'll have to repost your first post. We don't want to lose it. You guys good with this idea? I won't submit the request to take it down until I hear from Chef and Virtue at a minimum.

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Chef, Virtue and anyone else interested in this thread,

I'm going to ask the mods to delete this thread. IMHO, it's not what we're about. I think we all got off on the wrong foot, myself included. I apologize for my part in all of it. I can't ever be too big a man to do that. Chef has shown his willingness to provide useful content that we all want and need. He definitely has experience well beyond my scope and I certainly could learn a lot from him. Chef, if the mod's take this down you'll have to repost your first post. We don't want to lose it. You guys good with this idea? I won't submit the request to take it down until I hear from Chef and Virtue at a minimum.

No not at all... Why would you do that?

Go delete your own comments but don't at all take my post sharing my videos on a Video and Photo forum board down. Thats not a me problem. I did nothing wrong. Why have a Video and Photo forum board if I cant share a video series I am making and adding to weekly?

If this thread is deleted, might as well delete me, I wont be a part of something like that.
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Dude, you just lost me on that post. I work WITH people and forgive graciously, I don't see that here.
I will stick with the people who have been kind over the long run, even if they have had a sharp or negative post from time to time.
I know that Jtrjr and Virtue are good people who don't hold grudges. As you said, something seems off to me.
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No not at all... Why would you do that?

Go delete your own comments but don't at all take my post sharing my videos on a Video and Photo forum board down. Thats not a me problem. I did nothing wrong. Why have a Video and Photo forum board if I cant share a video series I am making and adding to weekly?

If this thread is deleted, might as well delete me, I wont be a part of something like that.

Fair enough. I won't make the request.

Dude, you just lost me on that post. I work WITH people and forgive graciously, I don't see that here.
I will stick with the people who have been kind over the long run, even if they have had a sharp or negative post from time to time.
I know that Jtrjr and Virtue are good people who don't hold grudges. As you said, something seems off to me.

What? I came here to be involved. Saw a board to share Photos and Videos, in which others share their work, and thought folks might enjoy my weekly series. I then was accused of being all kinds of things, never asked a single question, just stated what people thought. What did I do wrong?

This is crazy.....
What? I came here to be involved. Saw a board to share Photos and Videos, in which others share their work, and thought folks might enjoy my weekly series. I then was accused of being all kinds of things, never asked a single question, just stated what people thought. What did I do wrong?

This is crazy.....

I tried. I'm done with you.

I tried. I'm done with you.


You never once apologized for you're false accusations, your making me to feel as if I did something wrong for sharing my content, and then now still can't explain what I did wrong?

Was it that I posted each video in my series? Is that a rule? Has anyone else here even ever shared a weekly series?

You literally made me feel like I had to defend myself for hours yesterday when all I wanted to do was get involved. Make a few posts, let people SEE why I have answers from the EXPERIENCES I share. Thats who I am. You never gave me a chance. You wonder why only 4 people seem to really be active on this board?

Sad that grown men feel so territorial.

Unlike you, I'm not here for popularity. I'm here to learn and to do the little, tiny bit I can to help other people. You've got a serious problem with wanting to be heard, I don't. I hope you find what you need here and that you're successful in all of your endeavors. You attacked a very active and helpful member of this board because he advised you that people here don't watch much from guys that just come along and drop a video or two every now and again. We do struggle but we figure things out in the long run without your powerful influence.

I stand by every comment I made in this thread. You're just a pompous @ss that thinks he has all of the answers. I can guarantee you that our successes in this world can not be compared. I'm a humble, sincere person and I know I don't have all of the answers. You aren't humble at all and you're too afraid to know that you don't have all of the answers either. I come from a world of self-taught success, by doing and being who I am. You want others to follow you because you really believe that's your only chance in this world. Good luck with that and good luck to you, my friend. I won't comment any further with you on this or any other thread.


Yet so far I did not attacked anyone.... nor did I again in any way.

Funny though you bring out curse words, anger, and attacks.

Your assessment of me is completely off base, rude, and again factless.

Have a great day bud, I will for sure as life is much more important than any of this.

Go back to High School and learn how to write a note. And while you're at it, just keep fooling yourself.

I have read through this post a number of times before things started to be deleted, I did see apologies to you, and praise of your flying ability. What I also see is an accomplished person who can't seem to let bygones be bygones. We have said that we got off on the wrong foot with you, so let me be clear...

I apologize!

And while I guess you can't see it, you don't sound humble or gracious at all to me.
Sometimes just saying "look fella's, I'm sorry too" can go a long way.
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I have read through this post a number of times before things started to be deleted, I did see apologies to you, and praise of your flying ability. What I also see is an accomplished person who can't seem to let bygones be bygones. We have said that we got off on the wrong foot with you, so let me be clear...

I apologize!

And while I guess you can't see it, you don't sound humble or gracious at all to me.
Sometimes just saying "look fella's, I'm sorry too" can go a long way.
You actually do bring to light my mistake in recognizing the apology made.

Thank you.

As far as me apologizing, I can see a need to, however being I've been literally defending myself from the start, while also trying to prove I am invested and involved helping on other posts, I hadn't felt the time to take a breath and do so.

I will also admit and apologize though for not taking the "praise" as honestly over the top and a bit patronizing (possibly wrongly admittedly), so for that I apologize as it led to more of me being defensive.

Bottom line, I genuinely appreciate the community, saw a way to become active in a forum, though I can't stand them much, and felt unwelcome to do so.

The personal attacks and accusations about who and what I am are out of line and go to show why I have been on edge since I walked back in the door.

At this point I'm going to do me and be me, that means here and elsewhere.

Enjoy, hate, or none of the above, your choice.

Have a good day!
I didn't delete a dang thing. I'm not sure what you're talking about? He's a poser and a loser. He's just trying to show superiority, he can't do that because he doesn't possess it.


(I would advise everyone to stay away from this thread. It's not worth it.)
Boy, talk about a bunch of scattered thoughts. I sincerely hope that you can be of service to the guys that just want some help and guidance on this board. If you can, I'm grateful. You lost me. I don't want or need anything from you. You have no respect for your fellow human being. You think your special, let me advise you on one very simple point, you're not.


I just went out and did a look through of your channel. Seriously? I don't promote myself or in any way attempt to "get" views. You're not doing much better than me and you're trying to get people to follow you! I'm just a nobody. You've got a lot of soul searching to do if you think the way you've conducted yourself here is appropriate. You're a self absorbed fool. If I were you, I'd go back and find myself. You certainly are a better pilot than me and you probably know more about this hobby than I ever will but I'll outlast you because I'm humble, sincere and I actually care for others. All you seem to care about is yourself. Good luck with that. I'll see you on the other side.

The olive branch (once again).

If at any time you'd like to drop the façade your living in, I'd welcome you. You do have great experience and knowledge, something I certainly don't have and would love to acquire but if you think that I'll take a back seat to you because of such you're sadly mistaken. I will welcome anyone with sincerity, integrity and honor, I won't be a pawn in promoting fallacy. Your choice.


I just went out and did a look through of your channel. Seriously? I don't promote myself or in any way attempt to "get" views. You're not doing much better than me and you're trying to get people to follow you! I'm just a nobody. You've got a lot of soul searching to do if you think the way you've conducted yourself here is appropriate. You're a self absorbed fool. If I were you, I'd go back and find myself. You certainly are a better pilot than me and you probably know more about this hobby than I ever will but I'll outlast you because I'm humble, sincere and I actually care for others. All you seem to care about is yourself. Good luck with that. I'll see you on the other side.


You literally won't stop with insults and assessing my character from no actual discussions with me.....

You're a very good person, clearly, much better than I being you have the all answers yet stand there accusing me of claiming to have them.

You say you watched my content, yet you must of missed how in nearly every one (non flight videos) I announce multiple ones my own ignorance and mistakes as well as statements like "I am just a dude" and "I may not really know what I'm talking about".

My lack of being humble in your eyes, is again factless and baseless as you judge it meeet on this one interaction which if you get to the core could have never existed had someone it claimed I was "bombing" the forum and simply gave me a chance. Maybe PMed me. Or maybe these admins that were threatened to be called for deleting my post could message me. Instead you have decided to have this a public discussion.

One which still ails to prove the very point of "What did I do wrong?"... answer that, and we can let this all stand. Fail to answer how my weekly flow series can't be posted here admits that everything else is a byproduct of this single situation yet you apply it globally to my personality.

I ask again, where did I do anything wrong?
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