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Drone build


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2019
Reaction score
My drone full setup list:

Frame: Martian II 295
Props size: 7"
FC:Omnibus F4 update to: Matek F722-STD
Motors: Garila 2507
VTX: TX805
Camera: Turtle V2
Goggles: EV800D
Transmitter: Taranis X9 Lite
Antenas: Lollipop 3
Baterry: Ministar 1800 4S
GPS: BN-220
Beeper: Vifly Finder v2
Drone total weight: 695g.

Waiting to be install:
Module: TBS Crossfire Micro
AKK FX2-ultimate 5.8GHz VTX

My test list:
FPV Long range:
25mW: 550m
800mW: 780m+

Transmitter Long Range: SOON..

Baterry life: SOON..

(Last update post: 2.5.2020. 11:10)


First post:

Hi. I want build my drone for first time.
But I want drone which will "not go too fast" and which can have a long range, also with good camera recordng.

I will use RunCam Split Mini, Martian II frame and 4 S batteries.
I have two questions:

1)I want go long range, please tell me which components needs for that?

2) To slow maximum speed of drone is enough to set speed in settings or buy weaker motors (like 1700kv) or what?
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Maybe start with this link to give you some ideas on a long range build.
As for the altitudes you are looking at, battery life will be a big consideration as will a good solid fpv signal back to your goggles. There are the obvious legal requirements when flying above 120mtrs but dependent on where you live.
I suggest you learn how to fly first. There's nothing up that high, once you're that high in the air it's almost hard to tell if you're even moving or not. You also have wind sheer to deal with, and none of this is taking into account that it's not legal to fly that high.

Thank you.
Is it going motor 2207 on martian II frame?
Asking because it says in discriptions that is last 2206 for this frame.. Would be holes fit?
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Yes. Motor size is a combination of 4 numbers. the first two numbers are the circumference of the bell (22) and the second two numbers are the height of the stator (07) That means a 2206, and a 2207 have the same base size, but the 2207 is slightly taller.
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I ordered 30A esc. That not going at Kakute F7? I can cancel it ?(few hours left)

Kakute F7 i realy expencive..
Is there some other FC you recomend me?
It depends on the ESC a little bit only because certain FC / ESC combinations are easier to hook up than others. They're generally compatible, but some just hook up with a simple ribbon cable and you're done.
That said, I like the Pyro board if you're in the states (they ship from California)

I've never used an f7, the closest I've used to something like that is a Helio. An f4 has been enough for me so far (and an F4 will save you some money)

Are you in the states?
Who'd you buy your Kakute from?
And what kind of ESC did you settle on?

[EDIT] it looks like you might only save about $10 on a different FC, you might just keep the Kakute F7. From what I read it's gonna be a really nice FC...
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I am from Europe.
I just order frame, 30A ESC, 1700 kv motors.
Now must combinated PDB/FC with runcam mini.
Also lookng remote,antena and googles.

HyperLite have vtx i see. Do I need PDB with that?
Is RunCam split mini have vtx?
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If it's a 4in1 ESC you don't need a PDB for it. If you bought 4 separate ESCs then you do.
(a PDB should be under $10)
The FC I listed doesn't have a built in VTX, (most don't) you'll need a VTX separate.
Any camera with a built in VTX is pretty much garbage. The Runcam mini is an industry standard; it's a fine camera, but again, the VTX is a separate board.

I've never built a quad with 4 ESCs on the arms, I've only used 4in1 boards (I'm spoiled)

Can you send me links to what you've bought so far?

Also check out Featured Builds - RotorBuilds.com

You can look through completed builds with links to their parts list. If I have a question I look up the part and see what combinations other people have used with it.
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A lot of people like this jumper T16 (this is probably what I would buy now if I had to get a new controller)

I own a teranis X9d plus (pretty standard)
The cheaper version is the Taranis Qx7

Goggles are expensive. I just bought some Aomway Commander V1 and I like them, but I went for years with the EV800d and they were fine. Those are the cheapest worth buying IMHO

After that, if you go Fatshark you'll need to decide on a receiver module as well, so you're talking at least $350 or more

You're also going to need a soldering iron, a lipo battery charger, and some tools. Take a look here for some ideas
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Thank you for explanations.
Only bought that:
1700 kv

7 inch

7 inch

The ESC are in processing now, still can cancel them tonight if you say..

Ok, maybe not use runcam split mini, but if you know other way to record and watch flight with googles in same time, then tell me. I only know with that camera.
Oh you got a Split mini with onboard DVR... They do make other onboard DVR options, but I've never used any of them. The picture quality is garbage IMO so I stick to a Gopro if I want footage. Some goggles (like those EV800d) support DVR, it's even more low res than the onboard DVR low res but it does record your flights.

Arguably the best DVR cam is the Caddx Tarsier 4k, but Caddx makes a few options you can check out.
Be warned though, I've heard the Tarsier is difficult to work with.
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I'm just a little worried that you're going to have a tough time tuning that monster. Once you hit 7 inches you want a bigger motor than a 22XX. I would be using a 2408 or even a 25XX series motor to swing 7 inch blades. Tuning a 7 inch with smaller motors is going to be hard, you're going to get vibrations for sure. Recording from a split mini type camera on a rig like that will likely have quite a bit of jello. Plus at 1700 KV you're getting into 5s or 6s territory. Under 4s, a 7 inch rig on 2207 1700kv is going to be pretty soggy... I know you said you don't want a lot of power
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GoPro maybe loosing ballance..
I heard that split mini have a grat video..(I watching fly replay on YT).
I heard that recording from googles losing picture sometimes and video is not a good qulity :(
For motors my first idea was 5 inch..then I say, why not 7? So I mistake :/ But I don't need be fast.. maybe will work..
Or I can buy smaller legs and props for my frame.
Which range I can have with cheap PDB and FC? Like from videos on YT. But with better antena.
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I heard that split mini have a grat video..(I watching fly replay on YT).
I heard that recording from googles losing picture sometimes and video is not a good qulity :(

To be fair, I got into this from DJI drones, and I've worked as a photographer for 15 years, so when I don't like the video it's because I have high standards.

It's true that the quality is worse in the goggles, but if you've lost picture you've lost your drone so you have bigger things to worry about.

Take a look here, browse around and you'll get an idea of some parts lists
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If we talking a goggles recording,
I watched this video where almost ALL antenas loosing pictures in same time-maybe not good video :)

Don't worry, I believe you :)
This your last link is a separate camera with board, like RunCam, but video is great, no see any loosing, it can recording to 64GB microSD, and it's a little cheaper than RunCam. Yes. I can buy it. ?

If we solved the camera problem, PDB, FC and remote left :)
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