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I returned back gps to back of quad and now Rescue working good.

But now I have, on some places, fast movement quad left/right shaking (about 5-10 movement in second to one side.. Like when pc memory drop and you see picture with late).

First I thought that is only in goggles, but on camera picture I see too same. Thst means must be a quad movement.

Maybe quad fighting with the wind and try stay at line... but I not saw to much wind today :)

Maybe someone knows.
Today I tested my first Long Range drive at 550m!! ? limited by FPV with low RSSI together!

I didn't know that I can build power with my tx805!!

So I can move power freely (25/200/600/800mW)?

What is patch antena and why is important in this video (Realacc 5.8G 8dBi)?
What is patch antena and why is important in this video (Realacc 5.8G 8dBi)?
Yes you can change output power to a higher setting depending on the laws in your country for Radio Frequencies and Power.
A Patch antenna raises the gain of the received signal by reducing the area that it can receive in, you will get better signal in the direction of the patch but you will get little or no signal if you fly outside of the beam width.

Here is an example and a link if you want to read more about it. I am assuming once you see the purpose and function of a patch that you will understand why it is important in the video.

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Guys, what you mean about radiation with this things?
Is that secure wearing on head and hands, or better ground station?
25mw ?, come oooon, but what 200 mw or more ?
Guys, what you mean about radiation with this things?
Is that secure wearing on head and hands, or better ground station?
25mw ?, come oooon, but what 200 mw or more ?

The radio waves coming off the VTX are totally harmless. Also remember that you're wearing the receiver on your head, the source is the quad. I run a quad on 1 watt, I don't make a lot of friends that way, but I still have all my teeth :)
Yes, as @rtkDarling said, the RX is on your head, not the TX, also you are bombarded everyday by fallout from the largest nuclear explosion in the universe, the sun, so length of exposure and total RF power on our vTX's and TX's is minimally invasive to our bodies.
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Hi. I was set 'in goggles' power on 200mW ( I save it), but it seems I got same FPV distance like at 25. Then I search and find this (at 1:20min)
He explain that not exactly mW same what you set in goggles and one in vtx on quad, like if you set in googles 200, will be only 25 in vtx, etc..

Is that right or not true?
I am ASSUMING you are using Smart Audio or Tramp and that you KNOW it is working correctly. Yes it is possible that the BetaFlight OSD and vTX power are misleading if you don't understand how it works and what it means. BF is not smart and it does not know what the lowest and the highest power is for any vTX, so it just says to vTX, set to power 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. It has no idea what power level is associated with those numbers. It also does not know if the smart audio or tramp is actually working or not, so the display may say one thing but the vTX is not really set to that. The best way to know is to look at and decode the LED's on the vTX to make sure.
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Is that true that prop can be broken by itself on hard wind?

They are extra strong durable props, and I got miles with them.
After 30 second of flight is broken front right prop by itself. Very windy today.
Maybe factory mistake, or second option is that my drone taken off by animal hunter's shuttgun :) (they was around me)
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On my RXSR reciever antenna is pop out from jack.

How can be results if I fly with only 1 antenna on reciever? (When I waiting others to come).
Do I have some signal?
Hi. I hope you all here after Corona! :)

After one crash I loosing fpv picture on short distances.
On 25mW around 150m the picture are very bad (before I was go around 500m without problem).

Yes, I turned ON diversity in googles.
I opened quad and don't see any broken wire.
I know that exist thousands things for that problem, but it looks to me that something can be from VTX or Antenas? Dead resistor?
Can blackbox help?
No, Blackbox will not help, it is for FC and motor issues, not video issues. It is likely vTX damage or possibly antenna issue. You will probably need to replace them if you cannot find damage. Look close at antenna center conductor is still attached to vTX, otherwise replace may be the only fix.
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Hi. when I set RTH, my quad goes on 90m altitude, but I know I set RTH altitude to minimum=20m.

It is hapenning when I changed new props, so I mean maybe reason is pitch angle on props?

On last broken props when I set 20m, it was go 40m altitude, and that was normal for me... But now on 90m I affraid repeat RTH, because loosing FPV above me, and almost crash it.
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