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If camera will record too, I can buy goggles without recording, anyway..Which you suggest me?
-Eachine VR-007 Pro VR007 Pro 5.8G 40CH?
-Eachine EV800 5 Inches 800x480 5.8G?
-Virhuck EV800 5 Inches 800x480 FPV
Goggles Video Glasses 5.8G 40?
-EV800 5 Inches 800x480 FPV Goggles Detachable Wearing Glasses 5.8G?

Too much antenas will look stupid :)
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Okay, this is what I was looking for. This Flight Controller has all the pads you need for power distribution to the ESCs, so you won't need a separate PDB

I think this is the cheapest set of goggles worth getting. If you want a "nice set" is $300 or more


Thaaaank youuu...
Do I realy need that remote ? :p
+Shipping is 14 $ :/
Very expencive...

The best thing is if i crashed and loosing drone, I will save remote and goggles:) cool
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For baterry I have from my e-skate 6S. But I will buy 4S for that.

For that goggles they said in comments 200m range.
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What about that? It is 30$ cheaper then X7.
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This is another good choice, but as it stands it doesn't bind in D8, only D16. Not a huge deal for you, but it changes what you can use for receivers. Still good. Honestly this is what I would have recommended, but it's still new and I'm waiting to see how the quality turns out.
Ok. If you don't mind, I will buy that x9 for now..
All parts solved. I will waiting 1-2 months parts then I go build..

What with antena? Do I need it, or I will get it in this parts, or I can later upgrade?
This are same goggles without "D", which means recording, is still good enough like like EV800D? If signal the same, that is better choice for me to buy without dvr, because I can recording from camera.
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The D stands for "Diversity" which actually means it has two antennas. (notice yours only has one)
It will switch to whichever antenna is getting the best reception.

Yes, you also want to record your sessions in goggle. It helps locate your quad when you crash it by reviewing the footage. Your GPS might work, and it might not. It gets you close, but if you're buried in the bushes you're still gonna have to look hard to find your quad. Reviewing the goggle footage helps, and I also have hellgates on my builds

That is smart idea, replay by goggles, did not remember that..
See, it is better model.
This bayerry
Or this?
You could fly the 2200 probably, but that's the absolute biggest for you, and I would recommend something smaller. 1500 to 1800 mah will work better, you should still get 10 minutes plus easily if you're going easy on the punchouts. You're already very underpowered on your motors...

That 4000 is way too big

This is a very good battery (this is a brand the racers like right now)

This is what you DON'T WANT

Be careful with anything below 45C-50C The "C" rating is basically how fast the battery can safely charge / discharge. Low C batteries are cheaper, but they're not good for flying FPV, and if you push a LIPO too hard you will set it on fire. The lowest C rated battery I own is 65C
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Man, plenty of woods around me, and last thing what I want is start to fire ?
Good to know.

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