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Drone Won't Arm Unless Connected to Betaflight

# dump

# version
# Betaflight / STM32F7X2 (S7X2) 4.2.6 Jan 5 2021 / 19:08:42 (a4b6db1e7) MSP API: 1.43
# config: manufacturer_id: LMNR, board_name: LUXF7HDV, version: 8f0c8286, date: 2020-08-18T22:02:36Z
It's hard to tell, but If it's one long... and three short. Looks like a high throttle condition
or maybe two long and three short then its a calibration issue.

Each long beep represents 5, while each short beep represents 1. The final flag number can be calculated as 5 x <the number of long beeps> + <the number of short beeps>.

NameDescriptionBeep codeRequired Actions
NOGYROA gyro was not detected111You may have a hardware failure, if a previous firmware version works then it may be a firmware issue.
FAILSAFEFailsafe is active222Rectify the failure condition and try again.
RXLOSS(1)No valid receiver signal is detected333Your receiver is either faulty or has no link to the transmitter.
BADRX(1)Your receiver has just recovered from receiver failsafe but the arm switch is on444Switch the arm switch off.
BOXFAILSAFEThe ‘FAILSAFE’ switch was activated555See FAILSAFE
RUNAWAYRunway Takeoff Prevention has been triggered66Disarm to clear this condition.
CRASHCrash Recovery has been triggered7Disarm to clear this condition.
THROTTLEThrottle channel is too high678Lower throttle below min_check.
ANGLECraft is not level (enough)789Level craft to within small_angle degrees (default 25).
BOOTGRACEArming too soon after power on8910Wait until pwr_on_arm_grace seconds (default 5) have elapsed.
NOPREARMPrearm switch is not activated or prearm has not been toggled after disarm91011Toggle the prearm switch.
LOADSystem load is too high for safe flight101112Revisit configuration and disable features.
CALIBSensor calibration is still ongoing111213Wait for sensor calibration to complete.
CLICLI is active121314Exit the CLI.
CMSCMS (config menu) is Active – over OSD or other display131415Exit the CMS (or OSD menu).
OSDOSD menu is active1415Exit OSD menu.
BSTA Black Sheep Telemetry device (TBS Core Pro for example) disarmed and is preventing arming151616Refer to the manual for your hardware.
MSPMSP connection is active, probably via Betaflight Configurator161717Terminate the Betaflight Configurator connection (disconnect).
PARALYZEParalyze mode has been activated18Power cycle/reset FC board.
GPSGPS rescue mode is configured but required number of satellites has not been fixed19Wait for GPS fix or disable GPS rescue mode.
RESCUE_SWGPS Rescue switch is in an unsafe position20Turn off the GPS Rescue switch to arm.
RPMFILTER(2)Motor RPM-based filtering is not functioning21One or more ESC’s are not supplying valid RPM telemetry.
REBOOT_REQDReboot required22Reboot the flight controller for settings changes to take effect.
DSHOT_BBANGDSHOT Bitbang is not working23(3)
ACC_CALIBAccelerometer calibration required24Calibrate the accelerometer or disable features that use it
ARMSWITCHArm switch is in an unsafe position171825Toggle the arm switch to arm.
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Just by chance have you ever done a calibration of the accelerometer?
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Yes, it has been calibrated.

I can't tell if it's 2 long and 3 short or 1 long and 3 short.

I'm going to walk away from this for now and see what GetFPV can do.

Thanks again for your time. I'll let you know if/when we find a solution.
Did you get this resolved?
FC. GetFPV overnighted me a new FC and, BAM!, good to go!

I really appreciate you taking the time to troubleshoot the issue with me.
Awesome! Glad to hear you are up and running!
Hello Jacko,

I have the same issue like you.

Do you know how can I solve?

Kind regards
Ok so no other flags. Have tried turning off the wait for satellites before arming flag in BF just to eliminate that possibility? Some GPS still take a min or more on a warm start and the number of satellites doen't always update right away. I may still show the old number from the previous flight or even default the display at 8 till until the warm start is complete.
So I have been going nuts I have flown this iflight titan xl5 and it’s got a gps but I haven’t activated it fully yet, and today I put some new 6s motors to convert from 4 to 6s and it just WONT arm, I did eveything obv like the low throttle etc but nothing and I have like 20 quads so I know it’s not the radio. I’m realizing this is my only gps and it 💯had no problem spinning props on betaflight AND beeped plus tutle mode works. I’m wondering if that’s why, I also have beta 4.2 on the fc it says when I went to change the prop direction but I don’t feel comfortable I’m afraid of loosing the cli. My ig is @_stevefpv if you wanna dm me I never am on here but I’d appreant anyt help, I’m wondering if this is just bc It still needed to get satilites? But it also said update fw yet spun motors besides when I’d arm and I changed to other aux buttons to make sure it’s not my radio. Thanks in advance

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