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Finally dove in and ordered a QAV-X

Chris J

Jan 22, 2017
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So yesterday I finally broke down and ordered a QAV-X kit from Flight Club. This is my first venture into any type of racing drone; all my previous experience has been with DJI products and helis.

I had been wanting to piece my own kit together, but the more I thought about it the more I realized I should just let someone else who actually knows what they are doing put a kit together for me. Next time around I'll feel more confident in picking my own parts. So this is what I wound up with...if anyone sees any issues or parts that I'm missing, please let me know:

Lumenier QAV-X Build Kit - FlightClub FPV

Lumenier QAV-X 4mm
Tmotor F40II 2400kv
HS1177 Camera
TBS Triumph Antenna
Lumenier TX5G6 VTX
FrSky X4R-SB
Tattu 3S 1550mAh 75c Lipo Racing Battery
DAL T5045C props
Taranis Plus​
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Looks great, all good choices. Now you just need to pick some goggles. Lots of people like Fatsharks, but personally I like the big ones for the large field of view and high res. My current favorites are the Eachine Goggles Two. Happy flying!
Thanks tGO, I've had my eye on the FS Dominators for a while now. I saw your review on the Eachine Goggles Two that you posted a little while back, I'm just having a hard time going with something so obnoxiously large on my face. If I did pick those up, and later get a pair of FS to use as my primary goggles, would there be any problem using both pairs of goggles at the same time if I had someone with me who wanted to watch (any special type of VTx required, etc)?
No special equipment needed, just turn on both goggles and search for the signal.

The Goggles Two are very large, but don't feel heavy when they are on. My EV800 are a little smaller but do feel pretty heavy when on. The EV800 is still good for the price though, if still on sale for $55. Dominators are nice too, V2 has a 50 degree field of view. V3 went down to 42 degrees for some reason.
Those EV800 may be a better option for me since I do plan to upgrade fairly quickly. Looks like they are $80 on banggood right now. Is there anything else in that price range that you'd consider for what would quickly become a back-up pair?
Looks great, Chris! I just got the Charpu Lumenier QAV-X as well. I bought the BNF version. I kind of wish I had bought the kit as well. I spent a good 2 hours (2:00am) re-doing a bunch of stuff on it and still have a few things to that I want to do. They really do just "slap" these BNF and ARF's together.

I ended up taking the VTX out and repositioning it with double sided foam tape and new tie wraps. Changed the channel and band to my existing stuff while I was at it. I pulled the FrSky TX and did similar stuff to it. I pulled the tie-wraps off of the ESC's and put the double sided tape under each ESC then wrapped them with electric tape instead of a tie-wrap. Checked all screws and nuts. Good thing I did because the camera mount screw was about to fall out. It would have on my first flight.

I'm not happy with the way the installed the FOV camera. They left the full length of wire and just shoved it up under the camera. I'll fix that later. Set-up my Taranis Plus and went into Betaflight and set my flight modes and a few other things.

Supposed to get to 50F today so I'm really itching to fly a bunch today. Got 7 birds almost ready to go, must be about 20 batteries all charged for today. I'm really hoping to have a great day. Took a nap between 4:00-8:30am, so I'm a little tired. Drinking coffee now and finishing up a few last things.

Good luck with your build and have a great day!

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Thanks for the suggestions on the goggles. I ordered the Eachine VR D2s from bang good at $80. There were so many options that my eyes were going blurry reading about them all so it came down to a coin flip.

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