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Got my new bird today.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2017
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Wait A While Western Australia
Hi again all, got my new diatone tyrant s today, I got 2 X 4s 95c FMR Tetragon 1350's as well. A bit annoyed as leads are so short I can't mount it at all. Grrr
What now? Also not sure what to do with Rx antennas. Is it ok to tuck them in under esc''s I'm guessing not. Any ideas??
I find that it is quite difficult to get an xt60 connector desoldered from a PCB without damaging the PCB, since both joints need to be heated simultaneously. I would suggest making a short pigtail with one male and one female xt60. Use at least the same size wire as the battery.

The antennas need to be outside the carbon fiber. Usually you would put a zip tie sticking out where you want them to go and then heat shrink the antenna to the zip tie.
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I find that it is quite difficult to get an xt60 connector desoldered from a PCB without damaging the PCB, since both joints need to be heated simultaneously. I would suggest making a short pigtail with one male and one female xt60. Use at least the same size wire as the battery.

The antennas need to be outside the carbon fiber. Usually you would put a zip tie sticking out where you want them to go and then heat shrink the antenna to the zip tie.
Thanks for info TGO. It's all a bit daunting when quad your use to comes totally rtf and even my 10 year old pilots it well. Nun the less, this weekend she will have her maiden flight. Can't wait. Cheers

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