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My name should say it all


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
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Greetings from Miami Florida. Just expanding from flying camera drones to fpv kwads. I need a lot of time to make this move, obviously there is no comparison and just keeping a kwad in the air is a challenge. However so far I am in love with the discipline and intend to master it, however with a little help from my friends.
Welcome to the forum and the addiction as HighTechPauper put it. I rarely fly my Mavic 2 Pro but FPV whenever I can get a chance.
For me, I found flying in simulators really helped when starting out in FPV to get the muscle memory to crash a whole lot less when flying the real thing. I would say the two big favorite sims are Velocidrone, and Liftoff. I think FPVFreerider Recharged is also a good one but find Velocidrone to be the closest to the real thing for me.
Enjoy your new addiction.
They didn't have this kind of cool stuff when we were younger...
Hopping in cuz it matches my profile as well, received a Taranis x9 lite yesterday, of course now I am awaiting for the weird batteries I need to power it.

For me, I found flying in simulators really helped when starting out in FPV to get the muscle memory to crash a whole lot less when flying the real thing. I would say the two big favorite sims are Velocidrone, and Liftoff. I think FPVFreerider Recharged is also a good one but find Velocidrone to be the closest to the real thing for me.

Enjoy your new addiction.
They didn't have this kind of cool stuff when we were younger...

I'm gearing up to learn FPV flying skills with a simulator this winter.

I am planning to use my newly acquired radio controller, a regular computer screen and Steam powered sims and ... well :

Due to technical problems outside our control we are unable to continue supporting the Linux versions of Velocidrone. Should these problems be resolved in the future we will resume support. Existing Linux versions will continue to function but MultiPlayer sesions will be confined to sesions with other Linux users.

Sounds like I'll be using Liftoff.

I'm also looking forward for advices and pitfalls warning :)
That would make a difference, the cable is a bit of a pita, however I'm invested in 2 different systems already LOL, the FLySky and DJI. Actually the USB I have for the DJI is kind of short bookkeeping me from having some sort of freedom.
How do you guys feel about when practicing outside of the SIM (for real LOL) is it best to learn LOS or FPV?
How do you guys feel about when practicing outside of the SIM (for real LOL) is it best to learn LOS or FPV?
I find LOS very difficult compared to FPV but it's good for getting your head round the basic flight controls. Once you've mastered those in acro mode then switch to SIM to start learning more complex things and FPV. Good luck and have fun

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