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Which first time FPV drone?

Which to choose?

  • Tinyhawk

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Walkera Rodeo 110

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Hubsan h122d X4 Storm

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Aug 27, 2019
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Hi everyone.

I would like to start FPV racing - but in the beginning just for the fun and practice. So I have done som research, reading comments and watching reviews, and I have come to 3 different drones with both good and bad things. What do you think? What is most important for a complete beginner? (Have tried DJI camera drones and a few times a little no/name drone)

1. Tinyhawk (1300 DKK)
+ Bumpers for protection (Might only fly 10% indoor)
+ Customize using Betaflight? (I like tweaking settings and stuff, but it is not a requirement, as I don’t know how much I would do that)
+ Acro mode
- No tiltable camera
- No video recording
- Only 1 battery in set

2. Walkera Rodeo 110 (2500 DKK)
+ Fast
+ Acro mode
+ Devo7 (Better transmitter than the others that are more drone specific?)
- Only 1 battery (know I will buy more)
- Some say its not the best goggles? (Walkera Goggle 4)

3. Hubsan h122d X4 Storm (1400 DKK)
+ Video and photo recording
+ 4 Batteries in set
- Not so good or versatile monitor/goggles
- No acro mode

I hope you can help me to pick the right one. Or suggest another set or combination. I considered buying the 3 things separately, but I am not sure to how to make sure that they work with each other.
(All sets above is drone, transmitter and goggles)

- Glenn
Tiny hawk will be the closest to a full sized 5". Going with whoops is a great way to train but keep in mind that the tiny ones don't translate 100% into the larger ones.
I run a discord channel with a few pilots of all skill levels, you're more than welcomed to join us
For a complete beginner, you first need to learn to fly, don't waste money on poor equipment, start with...
Frsky QX7, or upgrade to QX7S (comes with battery and better gimbals, worth the extra cost believe me)
On a budget get Eachine EV800D, or upgrade all the way to Skyzones SKY03O, Fatshark HDO or HD3, or go all out and order the Orqa FPV.One
Start with the Tinyhawk or Tinyhawk S, they are much more durable than the others and the others are a waste of money. When you are skilled enough then move up to a Diatone or Emax 3inch or 5inch.
For a complete beginner, you first need to learn to fly, don't waste money on poor equipment, start with...
Frsky QX7, or upgrade to QX7S (comes with battery and better gimbals, worth the extra cost believe me)
On a budget get Eachine EV800D, or upgrade all the way to Skyzones SKY03O, Fatshark HDO or HD3, or go all out and order the Orqa FPV.One
Start with the Tinyhawk or Tinyhawk S, they are much more durable than the others and the others are a waste of money. When you are skilled enough then move up to a Diatone or Emax 3inch or 5inch.
Probably the most sound advice honestly, heck I'd even say get a sim first but now a days people just wanna learn by doing
The best drone to start out with for racing is one I've built;)
Although I learned acro on my Rodeo 110 I feel that my current Leader 3SE is a MUCH better drone. My problems with the Rodeo 110/Devo 7 are as follows:

The Devo 7 is not a "bad" remote, BUT, you can only use it with other Walkera products, it takes 8 batteries and eats them pretty quick, and, you need to buy a special "dongle" to use it with a simulator. My Taranis Q7 is WAY better and more versatile.

I liked my Rodeo 110, BUT, the camera is really sub par, I don't feel that it handled even close to my Leader 3SE, as I recall the OSD was lacking, and, the parts are proprietary (and expensive). I thought it was a reasonable approach UNTIL I got a better (but not terribly more expensive) drone/TX combo.

I bought two RTF FPV drone packages, the Rodeo 110/Devo 7 and the Arris "Poke" whoop. I have since upgraded both drones and use my Taranis for both and on the simulator.

I would heed HighTechPaupers advice and list. It is a very good package for "reasonable" money.

Peter T
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Thanks for your suggestions. I think I go with the Tiny Hawk and look for a transmitter that’s goes with multiple drones for future use ?

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