hey. i recieved my wizard in the mail a few days ago.after binding my reciever and fiddling with updating to betaflight (3.3.2)from the stock eachine setup something changed... when i tested the motors the first time all of them worked fine.after the update motor nr2 wont spin. im thinking maybe a bad esc? And theres something else... i can no longer choose beetween flightmodes in betaflight (acro,horizon..and all that) they are not listed as options. when i arm it and move the drone it tries to level itself. im new to racing drones but have a phantom from before,and if the wizard levels itself i might as well fly the phantom
the "3d model" in betaflight doesnt move when i move the drone.
i cant find anything on youtube,probably because i dont know what to search for.
hoping for some good answers here and that my questions wasnt too confusing

i cant find anything on youtube,probably because i dont know what to search for.
hoping for some good answers here and that my questions wasnt too confusing