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In crash was cutted a some milimeters of left antena. I know how to repair, but also
I want buy a new set.

I see some antenas not same thickness like original, is that important?

Thickness antena is less!!!(see feedback)

Or "realy original?"
First off, I told you in the PM how to fix your antenna.
Secondly, I see nothing in those links that describes thickness of the cable, they are all the same size within a very small tolerance, so I am not sure what you are speaking of.
Yes, thank you for PM.
Ok. You not see feedback replay with picture. I will add it here.
Look original reviever and replaceable antenas difference:
Yes, thank you for PM.
Ok. You not see feedback replay with picture. I will add it here.
Look original reviever and replaceable antenas difference:
View attachment 3568
Ok, I do see the difference in diameter in this picture, it could be that they are not the exact same coax cable and the original is better, but they should be almost the same performance as long as the silver end is the correct length. The total length is different also but it won't matter as long as the silver part is correct length.
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Or avoid all that and buy R9M Lite external module?
(Only know for that module for my version Lite). I can get 1500 meters range for sure! It is similar goggles/Lolipop fpv range, think.

Other I can do also antena mode, but there is a big risk to distroy it.
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You can move to the R9 or TBS Crossfire system, that is your call, but I have both and crossfire is so much easier to deal with that I have all but abandoned my R9.
You will need new RX, the R-XSR will not work with the R9 system, they are different frequencies, R-XSR is 2.4GHz and R9 is 900MHz.
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If I try solder antena mode, and If I mess up taranis, I always can buy external module.

Why peoples install 5db antena instead 7-9db?
Can some of this antena give me 1500-2000m on my rxsr reciever?
What about TBS Crossfire Micro?
That cost me 103$.
Is that good options?

I saw tutorial how to very easy add wires from TBS Crossfire to x9 Lite, but I don't know how to add Crossfire MICRO, is that similar connection?
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If I try solder antena mode, and If I mess up taranis, I always can buy external module.

Why peoples install 5db antena instead 7-9db?
Can some of this antena give me 1500-2000m on my rxsr reciever?

RF does not work that simply, when you amplify signal, you also amplify noise, at some point if 7-9 dB antennas worked better, people would be installing them, but they are not.
What about TBS Crossfire Micro?
That cost me 103$.
Is that good options?

I saw tutorial how to very easy add wires from TBS Crossfire to x9 Lite, but I don't know how to add Crossfire MICRO, is that similar connection?
Crossfire may not fit into the x9 lite, can you show a picture of the back of the TX? I can tell if I see the back of the TX.
Crossfire may not fit into the x9 lite, can you show a picture of the back of the TX? I can tell if I see the back of the TX.
Yes I know that will not fit, but I can connect it to the pins.

X9 Lite from back:
Crossfire Micro from back

And finally found answer that this module working on my X9 Lite, somebody create it here

And video what explain x lite, similar is for x9 lite.
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It is better nano or micro reciever? Nano is smaller i see.
Yes you can add it to the X9 Lite in the same fashion as the X-Lite, yes Nano receivers are the way to go, I have both Micro and Nano, they work the same but the Nano is much smaller. I will say that I think the Micro RX is sturdier if that matters to you.
Normal nano or diversity? The other are double expensive :eek:
Is normal have two antenas for left and right side ?
I will order when you answer.
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Normal nano or diversity? The other are double expensive :eek:
Is normal have two antenas for left and right side ?
I will order when you answer.
Normal are capable of anything you can do, the diversity receiver is overkill unless you are freestyling 25 miles away at 1000+ feet, illegal here in the states.
The antennas for Crossfire and R9 are not designed to be used at angles to each other, they are designed to be used in a straight line and putting the ones that are not the T shape at an angle will reduce the capability of them. They are also meant to be used in the same orientation, either both TX and RX antennas are horizontal or vertical as mixing horizontal and vertical again reduces the capability. No it isn't for left and right, the whole length together is the antenna for 900MHz.
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I ordered single nano + micro module.
My seller sels antena like this, It is only wire antna I think

This nice T antena in shield(40$)
is antena which I asked left/rigt position (not diversity), and which people mounting at the front of quad. I will not got it with my package I think. Is above antena weaker then this one?

Also this one (10$)
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The dipole antenna in the first picture is essentially the same as the "Immortal T", just without the extra armor around it. The second is of course the Immortal T, and the 3rd is the T with a longer cable to reach the RX in larger builds since people said the lead cable was too short so they came out with one a little longer.

The performance of the antennas is the same, just one comes pre armored (T), but the dipole should be set up just like the T in a straight line and not at an angle.
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Maybe someone know why my gps rescue acting weird now.
All time was good, and goes up to 40 m altitude.

After few days something was strange. When I click gps rescue, it seams that quad loosing power and start sliding, if not reach altitude then crash.

I change props from 5 to 7 inch, but it is same. And if it rich altitude, it will be 20-25 m, not 40m like before...

On rescue sliding (going from side over to start point), not going forward like before. When normal fly, it seems everithing ok.

What happens? I change gps position on quad what I remember, maybe is that.

Maybe someone of you saw that problem..

I have blackbox too.
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