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I instaled new matek, but I was not turn it on yet.
I going with multimeter on main xt60, nothing, then I go around ESC one by one and I got BEEP for 1-2 second then stop.

When I circling around, not give me every time a beep, but give me. And repeat, beep is 1- 2 second only.
(Example esc1 beep, esc 2 not, esc 3 not, esc 4 beep, then esc 1 not...).

Is must be constant beep?
Joshua Bardwel said on video that short beep means that quad have compasader. I was not instaled it yet.

Can I turn quad ON?
If the ESC's were shorted you would see that in measuring the XT60, what exact Resistance Number/Scale reading are you getting from the XT60???

There are all kinds of capacitors on your quad that are NOT the big caps that you add separately. There are caps on the ESC's (lots of them) and caps on the FC, etc.

The reason it beeps for a second or 2 and stops is because while the caps in the circuits are charging off your voltmeters battery, the cap looks like a short and the meter and will make the beep while in the mode to test DIODES.

You need to be in the OHM RESISTANCE meter portion and see and understand what exact number you are seeing and what that number should roughly be for the particular circuit you are evaluating.

You need to know how to use your meter properly, what it is telling you, and how to interpret that reading in an electronic circuit.
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Guys. I don't know how to thank you!
On my Matek no problem.
I got telemetry sensors (14)!
Altitude working because I have barometer!
No gray letters in OSD anymore!

Do I need now repeat proces calibrating motors again?

I waiting new gps. I wonder what is cause that??? I hope that will no happen again.
Guys. I don't know how to thank you!
On my Matek no problem.
I got telemetry sensors (14)!
Altitude working because I have barometer!
No gray letters in OSD anymore!

Do I need now repeat proces celebrating motors again?

I waiting new gps. I wonder what is cause that??? I hope that will no happen again.
Yes it is very important to recheck everything, FC orientation, motors in the correct location and spinning the correct way, all you BF setup, EVERYTHING, and re-test that it all works and you understand it and are comfortable with which switch does what etc.
Good luck!
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Guys. I had good hovering today! In about 1-4 meters alt (much away from ground).
I been on soft grass and learning turn off immediately props when landing or something goes wrong. Also tried moving directions fly, all without goggles.

I don't know do you agree, but I set on my Taranis throttle to 50%
(weight 50 offset -50).

Now it is easier to hover and I can say that my hover point is around 80-85% of throttle.

Also, can I slow down Yaw in that way? It is to fast turning for me, for now.
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50% of throttle maybe to low throttle, because when I close to ground I hardly return it up back. So I will try with 65 or 75.

My antenas are still shipping. It is normal that without antenas (only antenas that came with the unit) I have bad and black-white picture at 130 m distance?

EDIT: hardly go to 200m
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I am not sure what all that means, scaling back your throttle curve will not help you learn throttle control. You can reduce the yaw rate by adjusting down the RC Rate and Suoer Rate in the PIDS tab of Betaflight. You never want to use and TX or vTX without antennas, you will likely damage the TX/vTX if you do. If you get a black and white picture it is not normal, it sounds like you have used the scan function on your vRX and have landed on the wrong channel, or your vTX is damaged or you are set on 25 milliwatts.
I know that I can't use vtx and goggles without antenas, but I using antenas which come with unit. I got small antena with vtx, don't worry.
The goggles wont be damaged without antennas, it is a receiver only, it is the transmitters that you need to worry about. And fear not, I am not worried, I have 24 quads all flying perfectly, and I go flying any time I want, so I am not worried, just trying to help you.
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The goggles wont be damaged without antennas, it is a receiver only, it is the transmitters that you need to worry about. And fear not, I am not worried, I have 24 quads all flying perfectly, and I go flying any time I want, so I am not worried, just trying to help you.
I thought I had a problem with 12 quads and 1 x RC plane...
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Guys. What do you mean about Inav? Not many tutorials about that. It seems like betaflight, but with more options and hundrets modes flight.
I mean to go on Inav. Is there some things for watch out?
You won't find many here that use a lot of INav, it is built more for Autonomous Flight and therefore isn't used much by freestyle or race quad pilots, it is more for GPS long range and wings. I don't think anyone here knows enough about INav to give you any input.
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