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Sorry, but what you got is RP-SMA, that's the female version of SMA

You can return them, or get a SMA converter. They're pretty cheap little parts, but they do add some weight and take a tiny bit of efficiency
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If you sure that I have rp-sma, then he sent me wrong :eek: I ordered SMA.
Is my order was good? See

Item Link here.
I will go for new item.
And got Lolipop 3, but ordered 2.
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Looks right to me, RHCP (Right hand circular polarized) SMA. You can see the image I linked to is from the ALI express page you ordered from; looks like they did send you the wrong one.

[EDIT] version two or three doesn't matter much, giving you the latest iteration is probably a good thing

If you open a ticket and state they sent you RP-SMA instead of SMA they should honor it
It is ok using this extension, because loosing of signal?
That is only way to use antena in my way now..
I can buy 1 antena separate SMA(goggles), and other with angle MMCX for direct to VTX connect.
Other sellers have that options for buy..
(maybe 2 for goggles).
You can use the cable without any significant loss, but the experience I have with the Foxeer Lollipop is not very good, you may want to super glue the seam since every one I have ever had falls apart pretty easy. When mine fell apart I still had the piece so I just glued it, but many times it comes off from clipping a tree and then it is gone. I really don't use them but I have gotten a few in subscription boxes and use them to troubleshoot vTX issues sometimes, I prefer an sma pigtail and a rev 1 TBS Triumph, the rev 2 Triumphs fall apart just like the Lollipops.
the experience I have with the Foxeer Lollipop is not very good
That's good to know. I've only had 2 of them, and both ended up too close to the carbon to take a real hit (just because of how they are oriented) Now that I push all my antennas out further, I'm going to need the tougher ones.
That's good to know. I've only had 2 of them, and both ended up too close to the carbon to take a real hit (just because of how they are oriented) Now that I push all my antennas out further, I'm going to need the tougher ones.
And to be fair, I think they perform reasonably well, they just aren't sturdy enough. I think super gluing the seam may help, and I just am not sure what I will move to once all my rev 1 Triumphs are gone, but as sturdy as they are that should be a while.
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I got my R-XSR reciever which I can't bind. The closer I have are solid red with solid green lights.

Is my Taranis X9 Lite support that reciever?

-I updated firmware of my Taranis.
-I can't flash my RXSR trough taranis, because when I connect reciever in Taranis with cable, no any light on reciever, so no signal.

I connected green S.Bus-OUT to RX6(S), and yellow S.port to TX6.
White S.Bus-IN not connected.

I read when I got to ligts in bind that version of booth are not a same (EU/nonEU)..

I hope that someone know how to bind.

EDIT: I only have ISRM internal module for set, not have D8 or D16...
Do I need intetnal or external module bind?
New tread in details opened HERE.
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The X9 Lite can only do the new ACCESS protocol and NOT the older ACCST I believe.
The R-XSR should be able to be flashed with the new ACCESS firmware.
You will need to hook the RX to the Taranis making sure the correct wire order for Power/Ground/SBUS
The RX will not get power until you you start the "Flash SBUS" process.
Tnx. I didn't flash taranis from Boot. Now working! Connected to Accst D16.
Still can't flash reciever..
My second ordered drone comes in my country with 10 days???? when first drone still circling around China (2 months now) ?

Today first time test of flight in my yard. Not good. I broken one time 2 props, next time 1 prop.

I tried learn hover, but on hover my drone go front, then start a panic :)
I was try to be closest to ground, that results me a jump, jump, jump and crash.

Is drone go forward when is baterry too front of it, and going back if baterry to far back? or will be inverted?

Third hover test I think that I got ballance with baterry, but not enough throttle resulted with broke another prop.

It is not like simulator, think that throttle is more agressive.

Maybe I must try first fly without goggles? In goggles I don't know where I am, do I will crash in tree or house or myself in head, that is scary... Withot gogles I know where I am and it easier to hover.
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This is why it's easier to start with a micro. You're not breaking anything when you crash, and you're not afraid of hitting yourself or anything else. Also a set of 5 inch props would break less, maybe easier to learn on but IDK.

Line of sight flight is very different than the goggles, and that's what I had the most trouble with (and I don't think the sim helps) The goggles are going to take some getting used to, and your first flights are going to be scary.

It sounds silly, but I put the goggles on, plugged the quad in, and walked around using it as my eyes. That way I g used to navigating with the goggles, but going really slow and not crashing. I know it sounds childish, but it helped me some

Oh and get some zip ties and heat shrink your antennas to them. If you just use tape it'll let go and they'll get cut off in your props. This happened to me in my first testing phase.
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YES YES YES... learn to hover and get used to things before you get in the goggles. What you don't know, and what you have no experience with, will cost you plenty and could even be dangerous.
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I thinking about mini quad, that is good start. But now I late. I must start with 7 inch lol.
It sounds silly, but I put the goggles on, plugged the quad in, and walked around using it as my eyes. That way I g used to navigating with the goggles, but going really slow and not crashing. I know it sounds childish, but it helped me some
Good idea!! ??I will try!

Oh and get some zip ties and heat shrink your antennas to them. If you just use tape it'll let go and they'll get cut off in your props.
It is not my finally product. It is quick build for only for test. When I catch time, I will printed all parts, like board holders, gps holder and antena holders. Also I will disassemble it when I got new board.
Now I running to order new props! I thinking about smaller size because crashing first days.
Short circuit. All is after I install buzzer.
When I waited picture in goggles, no picture, then I saw smoke. It is from GPS or VTX (think GPS because STINKS).
After I saw one ground wire is detach. I solder it.
Now every time if I connect GPS, Beeps On FC show only 3 beep melody, instead 5. So, it's something wrong with gps.

No see any wire touching on FC. When I disconected gps, then I got normal beep melody on start FC. Can I put gps in trash?

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